5 Laws Shaping Semiconductor Industry For Last 100 Years

Moore's law became so important because it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. When Gordon Moore first made his prediction in 1965, it was based on the trend of transistor density doubling every year.


The semiconductor industry has been a powerhouse of innovation, propelling technological advancements and shaping the digital landscape. Behind its rapid evolution and sustained growth are 5 Laws Shaping Semiconductor Industry that have guided its trajectory.

In this blog post, we will delve into five dominant laws driving the semiconductor industry and explore how they have influenced its development.

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5 Laws Shaping the Semiconductor Industry in Last 100 Years

1. Moore’s Law: The Engine of Progress

In 1965, Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, made a groundbreaking observation that laid the foundation for the semiconductor industry’s relentless pursuit of progress. Moore’s Law posits that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years, leading to exponential increases in computing power.

Example: In accordance with Moore’s Law, the evolution of microprocessors has seen a consistent increase in transistor density. For instance, consider Intel’s processor development. The transition from the 22nm process technology in the 4th generation Intel Core processors to the 14nm process in the 6th generation represents a stride in accordance with Moore’s Law, enabling more transistors and improved performance within a similar chip size.

2. Rock’s Law: Balancing Innovation with Economics

While not a traditional “law,” Arthur Rock’s observation about the doubling of the cost of semiconductor fabrication plants every four years sheds light on the economic challenges faced by the industry. As transistor counts increase in line with Moore’s Law, Rock’s Law emphasizes the increasing capital intensity of semiconductor manufacturing.

The semiconductor industry has witnessed a trend of increasing capital expenditure for semiconductor fabrication plants. A notable example is the rising costs associated with transitioning to advanced process nodes, such as the shift from 28nm to 14nm technology. Companies may form alliances or invest heavily in research and development to manage the escalating costs in line with Rock’s Law.

Read More: How Much Does a 2 nm Fab Process Cost?

3. Amdahl’s Law: Optimizing Parallel Processing

Gene Amdahl’s law, proposed in 1967, addresses the balance between parallel and sequential processing. Amdahl’s Law states that the speedup achievable by parallelizing a task is limited by the fraction of the task that cannot be parallelized.

In semiconductor design, especially in the development of multi-core processors, this law underscores the importance of optimizing parallelization for tasks that can benefit from it. Gaming processors, for instance, must carefully balance parallel and sequential processing to achieve optimal performance gains.

Example: Consider a gaming scenario where a processor needs to handle a mix of tasks, including rendering graphics, physics simulations, and artificial intelligence (AI) computations. While some of these tasks can be effectively parallelized, others inherently involve sequential processing, limiting the potential speedup achievable by adding more cores.

Graphics Rendering:

  • Parallelizable: Modern gaming graphics rendering is often parallelized across multiple cores, allowing for the efficient processing of complex scenes, lighting effects, and textures. Each core can contribute to rendering different elements of the scene simultaneously, enhancing overall graphics performance.

Physics Simulations:

  • Partially Parallelizable: Physics simulations in games often involve complex calculations, such as collision detection and fluid dynamics. While certain aspects of physics simulations can be parallelized across multiple cores, certain dependencies between simulated objects may introduce sequential bottlenecks.

AI Computations:

  • Sequential: Certain AI computations, especially those involving decision-making processes or complex algorithms, may have inherent dependencies and sequential aspects. Optimizing these tasks for parallel processing can be challenging, as the nature of AI algorithms often involves sequential decision chains.

4. Dennard Scaling: Navigating the Power Challenge

Robert H. Dennard’s Scaling, introduced in 1974, outlines the concept of scaling transistor dimensions to maintain constant power density. This principle allowed for increased performance without a proportional increase in power consumption.

In the early years of semiconductor manufacturing, as the industry transitioned from one process node to a smaller one, the benefits of Dennard Scaling were evident.

Consider the transition from 90nm to 65nm process technology. In this shift, transistors became smaller, allowing for more transistors to be packed into a given area. This increase in transistor density contributed to improved performance and energy efficiency, aligning with Dennard Scaling principles. At this stage, the industry was reaping the rewards of scaling down transistor dimensions.

Read More: What is the Transistor Size of 2 nm Process Node ?

5. Koomey’s Law: The Pursuit of Energy Efficiency

Jonathan Koomey’s Law, proposed in 2007, focuses on the energy efficiency of computing. It states that the amount of computation achievable per unit of energy doubles approximately every 1.57 years.

Koomey’s Law is reflected in the way mobile processors have evolved over the years.

Reduced Power Consumption:

  • As mobile processors advanced from early generations to more recent ones, there has been a concerted effort to reduce power consumption. This involves optimizing the design of transistors, improving manufacturing processes, and incorporating power management techniques to ensure that processors consume less energy during both active and idle states.

Efficient Architecture Design:

  • The architecture of mobile processors has evolved to be more energy-efficient. Processors are designed to perform tasks with higher efficiency, minimizing unnecessary energy expenditure. This includes advancements in instruction set architectures, pipeline designs, and the implementation of low-power modes when full processing power is not required.

Advanced Semiconductor Technologies:

  • Shrinking transistor dimensions, adopting new semiconductor materials, and utilizing advanced fabrication processes contribute to energy efficiency gains. These advancements enable processors to perform more computations per unit of energy, aligning with the principles of Koomey’s Law.


As we reflect on the journey of the semiconductor industry, these Five Laws Shaping Semiconductor Industry stand as guiding principles that have fueled innovation, economic considerations, and energy efficiency. Moore’s Law has been the driving force behind the relentless pursuit of increased computing power, while Rock’s Law reminds us of the economic challenges that must be navigated.

Amdahl’s Law emphasizes the delicate balance between parallel and sequential processing. Dennard Scaling addresses power challenges, and Koomey’s Law champions energy efficiency. Together, these laws weave a narrative of progress, challenges, and the enduring spirit of innovation in the semiconductor industry.

Kumar Priyadarshi
Kumar Priyadarshi

Kumar Joined IISER Pune after qualifying IIT-JEE in 2012. In his 5th year, he travelled to Singapore for his master’s thesis which yielded a Research Paper in ACS Nano. Kumar Joined Global Foundries as a process Engineer in Singapore working at 40 nm Process node. Working as a scientist at IIT Bombay as Senior Scientist, Kumar Led the team which built India’s 1st Memory Chip with Semiconductor Lab (SCL).

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