Kumar Priyadarshi

Kumar Priyadarshi

Kumar Joined IISER Pune after qualifying IIT-JEE in 2012. In his 5th year, he travelled to Singapore for his master’s thesis which yielded a Research Paper in ACS Nano. Kumar Joined Global Foundries as a process Engineer in Singapore working at 40 nm Process node. Working as a scientist at IIT Bombay as Senior Scientist, Kumar Led the team which built India’s 1st Memory Chip with Semiconductor Lab (SCL).

Why Moore’s law is not a law?

Gordon Moore
Moore's law became so important because it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. When Gordon Moore first made his prediction in 1965, it was based on the trend of transistor density doubling every year. However, the semiconductor industry took Moore's prediction as a challenge, and they invested heavily in research and development to make it happen.