5 Upcoming Semiconductor Fabs in U.S.

The U.S. is set to bolster its semiconductor industry with the launch of five new fabs by major companies like Intel, Samsung, TSMC, GlobalFoundries, and Micron.


The global chip shortage has underscored the critical importance of domestic semiconductor manufacturing for the United States. In response to this pressing need, several major companies are making substantial investments in building new fabrication plants, or “fabs,” within the U.S.

These upcoming fabs hold the potential to significantly boost America’s chip production capabilities and revitalize the nation’s tech industry.

Let’s take a closer look at these transformative projects:

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Background: The Global Chip Shortage

The global chip shortage, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions, has highlighted vulnerabilities in the semiconductor supply chain.

As demand for chips surged across various sectors, the shortage highlighted the risks of relying heavily on overseas manufacturing.

The automotive, consumer electronics, and telecommunications industries felt the impact. To address this challenge, the U.S. ramped up efforts to boost domestic semiconductor production. This move aims to ensure long-term supply chain resilience.

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1. Intel’s Fab 52 and Fab 62 (Arizona)

Timeline: On Schedule for 2024 Launch

Expenditure: $20 Billion

Intel is investing $20 billion to construct two cutting-edge fabs, Fab 52 and Fab 62, in Arizona. These fabs will focus on producing 7nm chips, which are crucial for various high-performance computing applications. The project is set to launch in 2024, and it’s expected to create thousands of high-tech jobs in Arizona.

Impact: These fabs will significantly boost domestic chip production capacity, reducing reliance on foreign suppliers. By advancing Intel’s position in the competitive chipmaking landscape, the company can better meet the growing demand for advanced semiconductors.

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2. Samsung’s First US Fab in Taylor, Texas

Timeline: Construction Delayed to 2025 for Potential 2nm Shift

Expenditure: $17 Billion

Samsung is making a substantial investment of $17 billion to build its first U.S. semiconductor fab in Taylor, Texas.

While the construction has been delayed to 2025 to potentially shift to a more advanced 2nm process, this fab represents a long-term strategy to strengthen Samsung’s presence in the North American market.

Impact: Implementing a 2nm process could place Samsung at the forefront of chip technology development.

The fab is also expected to benefit from collaborations with local universities and research institutions, fostering innovation and talent development in the region.

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3. TSMC’s Arizona Fab

Timeline: Expected Completion in 2024

Expenditure: $12 Billion

TSMC is investing $12 billion to build a fab in Arizona, bringing its leading-edge 5nm technology to the U.S.

This project, expected to be completed in 2024, marks a significant collaboration between the U.S. and Taiwan, ensuring a more reliable chip supply chain.

Impact: TSMC’s Arizona fab will attract chip design companies and foster innovation within the U.S. The strategic location in Arizona, a hub for semiconductor manufacturing and research, further enhances its appeal to tech companies seeking proximity to cutting-edge chip production facilities.

4. GlobalFoundries’ New York Fab

Timeline: Production Ramp-Up Expected in 2025

Expenditure: $4 Billion

GlobalFoundries is investing $4 billion to expand its semiconductor fab in New York. This facility will focus on mature chip technologies (12nm and 14nm), which are essential for various industries, including automotive and telecommunications.

Impact: The expansion will strengthen domestic production of these crucial chips, reducing reliance on foreign sources. It also supports the local economy by creating high-tech jobs and fostering a robust semiconductor ecosystem.

5. Micron’s Leading-Edge Memory Fab in Boise, Idaho

Timeline: Construction Started in 2023

Expenditure: $15 Billion

Micron is investing $15 billion in a new fab in Boise, Idaho, which will focus on advanced memory technologies like DRAM and NAND. These components are vital for data storage and processing, underpinning the backbone of modern computing.

Impact: This fab ensures domestic production of critical memory components and positions Micron as a leader in the global memory market. The investment also contributes to the local economy by creating jobs and fostering innovation.

Why It Matters

The surge in demand for semiconductors across various sectors, including automotive, consumer electronics, and telecommunications. It is highlighted the risks of relying heavily on overseas chip manufacturing facilities.

The global chip shortage has exposed vulnerabilities in the supply chain, underscoring the need for a robust domestic semiconductor industry. These investments in new fabs are crucial for several reasons:

  1. Supply Chain Resilience: By increasing domestic chip production, the U.S. can reduce its reliance on foreign suppliers, mitigating risks associated with geopolitical tensions and supply chain disruptions.
  2. Technological Leadership: Advanced semiconductor manufacturing capabilities are essential for maintaining a competitive edge in key technology areas, including artificial intelligence, 5G, and high-performance computing.
  3. Economic Growth: The construction and operation of these fabs will create thousands of high-tech jobs, boost local economies, and foster innovation through collaboration with research institutions and universities.
  4. National Security: Ensuring a steady supply of domestically produced semiconductors is vital for national security, particularly for defense and critical infrastructure applications.

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Importance and Significance:

These upcoming semiconductor fabs represent a pivotal moment for the U.S. tech industry, promising a more secure domestic supply chain and positioning the country as a leader in chip technology development.

The creation of high-tech jobs, potential for further innovation, and strengthened global partnerships signal a brighter future for America’s technological competitiveness.

By reducing reliance on foreign sources and fostering a robust domestic chip ecosystem, these fabs enhance national security and economic resilience.

Additionally, advancements in semiconductor manufacturing enable breakthroughs in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and 5G networks, driving innovation and economic growth.

As the U.S. semiconductor industry continues to thrive, these fabs play a crucial role in shaping the future of technology and maintaining America’s leadership in the global semiconductor landscape.


The emergence of these 5 upcoming semiconductor fabs marks a significant milestone in the revitalization of America’s tech industry.

By bolstering domestic chip production capabilities, these fabs contribute to strengthening national security, economic resilience, and technological innovation.

The creation of high-tech jobs, coupled with advancements in semiconductor manufacturing, positions the U.S. as a global leader in chip technology development.

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