NVIDIA Dominates AIB GPU Market in Q1 2024 with 88% Market Share, Leaving AMD and Intel Far Behind

AMD sits at 12% market share, while Intel currently holds no measurable share


In the dynamic world of graphics processing units (GPUs), NVIDIA has once again demonstrated its Add-in Board- AIB GPU Market supremacy in the first quarter (Q1) of 2024, according to the latest report from Jon Peddie Research (JPR). The report sheds light on NVIDIA’s commanding lead over competitors AMD and Intel, with the company securing an impressive 88% market share.

The GPU market is a fiercely competitive arena, with key players vying for dominance in various segments. NVIDIA, a leading provider of GPUs, has consistently showcased its technological prowess and market leadership. In the first quarter (Q1) of 2024, NVIDIA’s performance in the AIB GPU market has once again underscored its position as the industry frontrunner.

Possible Reasons for NVIDIA’s Dominance:

  • Brand Recognition: NVIDIA has a long-established reputation for high-performance GPUs.
  • Product Line-up: They offer a wide range of graphics cards catering to different budgets and needs.
  • Software Ecosystem: NVIDIA’s software tools like CUDA are popular among developers, creating a network effect for their hardware.

Intel’s Situation:

  • Intel is a new entrant in the discrete AIB market, having launched their Arc Alchemist GPUs in late 2022.
  • JPR’s report suggests they haven’t gained.

JPR is the firm credited with the 88% market share statistic. They publish detailed market research reports for a fee, which might provide a more granular breakdown https://www.jonpeddie.com/.

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Background of NVIDIA AIB GPU Market

The GPU market is characterized by rapid advancements in technology, increasing demand for high-performance computing solutions, and intense competition among major players.

NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel are among the prominent contenders in this space, each striving to capture a larger share of the market and drive innovation.

AIB (Add-in Board) GPUs are a type of graphics card, but with a key distinction: who makes the final product. Here’s how AIB GPUs differ from standard GPUs:

Standard GPUs (often called Founders Edition):

  • Designed and manufactured by the GPU chip maker itself (e.g., NVIDIA’s Founders Edition cards).
  • Uses a reference design, meaning the same cooling system, board layout, and clock speeds across all cards from that manufacturer.
  • May be a good balance of performance and price.


  • Manufactured by third-party companies like ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, etc.
  • Based on the reference design provided by the GPU chip maker, but with customizations.
  • These customizations can include:
    • Enhanced cooling: Larger heatsinks, more fans, or even water cooling solutions for better performance under load and quieter operation.
    • Overclocking: Pre-configured to run at higher speeds than the reference design, potentially leading to better performance.
    • RGB lighting and aesthetics: Appealing designs and lighting effects for enthusiasts.
    • Additional features: Extra USB ports, higher quality components, or bundled software.

Here’s an analogy: Imagine a car chassis and engine made by a manufacturer (like the standard GPU). AIB companies are like tuners who take that base and add their own customizations for performance, looks, or special features.

Choosing Between AIB and Standard GPUs:

  • Standard GPUs: Good choice for users who prioritize a balance of price and performance, or who don’t need fancy features.
  • AIB GPUs: Ideal for users who want better thermals, higher performance through overclocking, unique aesthetics, or extra features. However, they often come at a premium price.

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Overview of Q1 AIB GPU Market

The report from JPR provides insights into the performance of key players in the AIB GPU market during the first quarter of 2024.

Image Credits: JPR

Despite facing challenges such as supply chain disruptions and market volatility, the GPU market has demonstrated resilience, with overall shipments witnessing a notable increase compared to the previous year.

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NVIDIA’s Dominance and Increased Shipments

NVIDIA’s dominance in the AIB GPU market is evident from its commanding 88% market share.

The company not only maintained its strong position but also experienced a surge in shipments, indicating robust growth and sustained demand for its products across various segments, including gaming, AI, data centers, and cloud computing.

NVIDIA’s ability to offer a diverse portfolio of GPUs tailored to different market needs has contributed to its continued success.

AMD’s Decline and Market Share Loss

In contrast to NVIDIA’s success, AMD experienced a decline in both shipments and market share during the first quarter of 2024.

While the company saw a year-over-year increase in shipments, its market share dwindled from 19% to 12%, signaling challenges in a competitive landscape dominated by NVIDIA.

Moreover, factors contributing to AMD’s decline include supply chain constraints and increased competition from NVIDIA’s latest GPU offerings.

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Intel’s Struggle to Gain Traction

Intel, despite its efforts to enter the discrete GPU market with the launch of Arc GPUs, faced difficulties in gaining traction.

The company’s market share plummeted to 0% in Q1 2024, reflecting the challenges of establishing a foothold in a market dominated by established players like NVIDIA and AMD.

Intel’s Arc GPUs, while offering competitive performance and pricing, have yet to gain widespread adoption among consumers and enterprises.

Image Credits: JPR

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Implications and Future Outlook

NVIDIA’s continued dominance in the AIB GPU market reaffirms its position as an industry leader.

As competition intensifies, AMD and Intel must innovate and differentiate their offerings to remain competitive.

With rumors circulating about NVIDIA’s next-gen GeForce RTX 50 series, the GPU market is poised for further disruption and innovation in the coming quarters.

Industry observers anticipate heightened competition and technological advancements as key players strive to meet evolving market demands and capitalize on emerging trends such as AI, gaming, and data processing.

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In conclusion, NVIDIA commanding performance in the AIB GPU market underscores its technological prowess and market leadership.

As the GPU market continues to evolve, industry observers are keenly watching how competitors will respond to NVIDIA’s dominance and what innovations lie ahead in this dynamic landscape.

With NVIDIA setting the pace for innovation and competition, the GPU market is poised for exciting developments and advancements in the months to come.

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