Building the Cheapest CH32V003 RISC-V Development Board: A Quick and Dirty Solution

This is by far the cheapest way to get started with the CH32V003.You can customize the board with any components you want to experiment with.


The CH32V003 is a cheapest RISC-V board, known for being incredibly affordable (around $0.10 in bulk). This makes it a great option for tinkering and learning about embedded systems.

However, there aren’t many pre-built development boards available for the CH32V003 since the chip itself is so cheap. The good news is that you can build your own basic development board for very little!

Here’s what you’ll need for a quick-and-dirty CH32V003 development board:

  • CH32V003 microcontroller: This is the core of your development board.
  • Breadboard: This will allow you to easily connect the CH32V003 to other components.
  • Jumper wires: These will be used to make connections between the CH32V003 and other components on the breadboard.
  • Basic components (optional): LEDs, resistors, buttons, or any other components you want to experiment with.
  • Power supply: You can use a USB cable or a battery pack to power your development board.

Finding instructions:

There are resources online that detail how to build this type of development board. You can search for “CH32V003 development board on breadboard” or similar terms to find a guide that suits you.

Benefits of this approach:

  • Super low cost: This is by far the cheapest way to get started with the CH32V003.
  • Flexibility: You can customize the board with any components you want to experiment with.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Requires soldering skills: While the breadboard makes connections easier, you might need to solder some components to the CH32V003 itself depending on the guide.
  • Less user-friendly: This setup won’t be as convenient as a pre-built development board, but it’s a great way to learn about the basics.

If you’re looking for a more user-friendly option, you can also search for pre-built CH32V003 development boards online, but they might be more expensive than this DIY solution.

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Background of Cheapest RISC-V Board:

The CH32V003 microcontroller, renowned for its affordability and performance, has garnered attention within the embedded systems community.

However, the absence of a dedicated development board has limited its accessibility for hobbyists and professionals alike.

Acknowledging the existing gap in the market, the project aims to fill the need for an affordable and user-friendly development platform. It strives to provide a solution that is both cost-effective and straightforward to assemble. The primary objective is to empower users to unlock the capabilities of the CH32V003 microcontroller without breaking the bank.

Project Overview:

The project aims to build a simple development board for the CH32V003 microcontroller. It utilizes affordable components to keep costs low.

A standard two-sided SOP20/TSSOP20 adapter serves as the foundation for the board. The inclusion of cheap SMD components further contributes to its budget-friendly design.

This approach makes it accessible to enthusiasts interested in experimenting with the CH32V003 microcontroller.

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Components Used:

The project incorporates various hardware components such as the CH32V003 microcontroller and SOP20/TSSOP20 adapter.

Additionally, SMD capacitors, resistors, LEDs, and pin headers are utilized. These components are sourced from affordable suppliers.

Together, they form the basis of the development board, allowing users to assemble the device inexpensively.

Assembly Process:

The assembly process involves soldering the CH32V003 microcontroller onto the SOP20/TSSOP20 adapter, mounting capacitors and resistors on the adapter, and attaching pin headers for breadboard compatibility.

Detailed instructions and guidelines are provided to ensure a smooth assembly process, even for beginners with limited soldering experience.

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Programming and Testing:

Once assembled, the development board is ready for programming using the ch32v003fun open-source toolkit.

With the aid of the toolkit’s firmware uploading tool, users can upload and test firmware on the CH32V003 microcontroller.

The project offers step-by-step instructions for programming and testing, ensuring a seamless experience for users.

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In conclusion, the development of the cheapest CH32V003 RISC-V development board marks a significant milestone in embedded systems.

This project offers an affordable and accessible platform for experimenting with the CH32V003 microcontroller.

It empowers enthusiasts and professionals to explore new possibilities in embedded computing.

With its simplicity, affordability, and practicality, the development board fosters innovation

and creativity in embedded systems development

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