VLSI began in the 1970s with the development of metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) integrated circuits. MOS chips were smaller and more efficient than earlier bipolar junction transistor (BJT) chips, and they allowed for the integration of more transistors on a single chip.
Major industry players such as Intel, AMD, HP, and Hitachi set up operations, with Intel pioneering the offshore assembly plant movement in Penang in 1972. As the semiconductor industry evolved, the Malaysian government formulated strategic plans and policies, adapting to changing global dynamics and competition from other East Asian countries.
A misinformed guidance counselor once told Jacobs that science and engineering held no promising future for him. If Jacobs had followed that advice, the world of wireless technology might look quite different today.
However, just as Intel had established dominance in the data center market, a new computing trend emerged—artificial intelligence (AI). AI tasks were a challenge for Intel's main chips, the central processing units (CPUs). CPUs were designed to be versatile, general-purpose workhorses, serving as the "brains" of computers and data centers. However, they weren't well-suited for AI's specific demands.
The integrated circuit (IC), also known as a chip, is a tiny electronic circuit that can be mass-produced on a semiconductor material, such as silicon. It is made up of millions of transistors that are interconnected to perform a specific function. ICs are used in almost all electronic devices today, from smartphones to computers to cars.
Intel's Cougar Point chipset was a major setback for the company. The bug could have caused significant data loss for users, and it also raised concerns about the reliability of Intel's products.
"I always think we’re 30 days from going out of business. That mindset hasn't changed. It's not a fear of failure but a fear of becoming complacent, which I never want to happen."
~~Jensen Huang, CEO, Nvidia
Delve into the genesis of transistors, the emergence of custom LSI chips, and the fierce race to create powerful microprocessors. Join us as we unveil the partnership between Busicom and Intel that birthed the Intel 4004 microprocessor, a trailblazer that ignited a new era of computing.
This is not only about semiconductor chips, but the United States has lost cameras, light bulbs, televisions, hard disks, displays, silicon chips, among others to other countries when it came to scale them up to products.
Noyce's semiconductor expertise, Moore's engineering prowess, Hoerni's managerial skills, and Grinich's electronics knowledge, along with the collective training under Shockley, became the driving force for their future endeavor